What is a water-cooled radiator? Can I add water inside

A water-cooled radiator is a radiator that uses coolant as the heat conducting medium. The coolant inside is not water, and water cannot be added. A fully enclosed water-cooled radiator does not require the addition of coolant.

CPU water-cooled heat sink refers to the use of liquid driven by a pump to forcibly cycle away the heat from the heat sink. Compared with air cooling, it has the advantages of quietness, stable cooling, and less dependence on the environment. The heat dissipation performance of a water-cooled radiator is directly proportional to the flow rate of the cooling liquid (water or other liquids) in it, and the flow rate of the cooling liquid is also related to the power of the cooling system water pump Functional principle:

A typical water-cooled heat dissipation system must have the following components: water-cooled block, circulating liquid, water pump , pipeline, and water tank or heat exchanger. A water-cooled block is a metal block with an internal water channel, made of copper or aluminum, that comes into contact with the CPU and will absorb its heat. The circulating liquid flows through the circulating pipeline under the action of a water pump . If the liquid is water, it is commonly known as a water cooling system.

The liquid that has absorbed CPU heat will flow away from the water-cooled block on the CPU, while the new low-temperature circulating liquid will continue to absorb CPU heat. The water pipe connects the water pump, water-cooled block, and water tank, and its function is to circulate the circulating liquid in a closed channel without leakage, ensuring the normal operation of the liquid cooling and heat dissipation system.

A water tank is used to store circulating liquid, and a heat exchanger is a device similar to a heat sink. The circulating liquid transfers heat to a heat sink with a large surface area, and the fan on the heat sink carries away the heat flowing into the air.

Post time: Nov-22-2023